Thursday, June 25, 2009

South African Sunshine

20+ hours of airplane seats, the usual airport confusion (but in Jo’burg you don’t have to take shoes off for security!), and I am adding up my “firsts”: first flight across the equator, first time on the African continent, first steps on South African soil, first nighttime glimpse of the Indian Ocean, first time riding on the “wrong” side of a Nissan! (Drive in the English manner…) Best of all, after an amazingly good sleep, first wake up to South African sunshine streaming in my window.

Today is adjusting to the time zone – which is actually easy. What I am confused about is which day it is! And looking around Pietermaritzburg. To get rid of the airline legs we walked in a nature preserve about 5 minutes from Brian and Kristen’s home. About 5 minutes down the trail we encountered a giraffe who allowed us up close and personal while he munched on tree tops. Later we saw a pack of wildebeests run by. Not you usual walk in the park!

We flew over some dry places yesterday. The plane change in Jo’burg revealed a very flat area – like Iowa without the corn. This area, even in the dry winter season, has more green.

There is no news here except soccer! USA won last night and South Africa plays today! It’s a small world after all…

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear your travel went well! Wow, that sounds like a neat place already, and you've just arrived. Can't wait to hear some more.
